Tuesday 14 February 2012

Confused cats!

Well the cats were completely confused today. Yesterday the living room was a cat free zone as I vacuumed everything in sight before I started dressmaking. I had the lace laid out on the floor while I pinned out the pattern, cut off the scalloped edge to be re-attached later round the hem of the skirt and then cut out the pieces of the dress.
Today I attacked Rachel's room with the vacuum cleaner early before the cats took up residence.
When Rachel is away at Uni the cats take over her room to sleep during the day, with Sparky(ginger and white tom) sleeping on a throw on the bed and Sophie (dark tortoise shell female) sleeping in the 'cat' bean bag by the radiator. I say 'cat' bean bag but it was orignially made for Rachel when she was younger, however over the years it has reduced in 'comfy factor' and is now only suitable for the cats!
So by the time I had settled myself at Rachel's desk with my sewing the cats were mewing at the door wondering what was going on.  Eventually they both settled on the spare top bunk in Mark's room. (I really must change that bed, I meant to do it after Simon (Rachel's fiance) slept in it when they were last here and have never quite got round to it. Mainly becasue it invovles climbing into the bed to make it! It will get done before they come back to visit at Easter)
Yesterday I also met up with Denise from the hotel we are having the wedding at, she was very helpful and answered all my questions about time scales, menus etc.
It is amazing how much there is to do when you are planning a wedding, I don't remember this much when I got married so it must mean my Mum did a lot of work behind the scenes which I don't remember or didn't see (although I did make my dress and one of the bridesmaids dresses). Thanks Mum.
On the advice of my friend, Carol, I have organised an appointment with a Personal Shopper at Debenhams in Edinburgh for our girlie day out to start looking for an outfit for me! Have never done this before as I thought personal shoppers were only for people with lots of money but apparently lots of people use the service. So Edinburgh here we come!!

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