Wednesday 15 February 2012

In Praise of Personal Shoppers

Well, we had a brilliant day in Edinburgh today. Carol and I went in by train and met up with Shona outside Jenners on Princes Street. We walked to Debenhams and had a wander round first. 
They have an amazing library of old books at one end of the women's section, they mainly seen to be theological books and biographies but I picked up a couple and they had inscriptions from 1874 and 1903. My daughter would have found them facsinating as she loves old books. They also had a couple of comfy armchairs so perhaps it was for the men to rest while their wives are shopping!
We then met up with Tania, the Personal Shopper. She took us into a suite which had armchairs in one room and a huge dressing room with full length mirrors (Now I know why I don't have full length mirrors in the house!!) Carol and Shona settled in and I went into the dressing room.  Tania had organised a number of dresses already so that I had a starting point and then as I tried things on she would go and collect another size or style. She even went and got different bras so that I could see what dresses looked like! 
When ever I had a dress on I came out for comments from my friends. It was so relaxing as I didn't have to hunt for sizes or styles and I now have my outfit for the wedding (plus a new bra!)
There wasn't any pressure at all but it was very relaxing and I felt confident that I had tried on things I wouldn't normally have tried on if I was just looking myself, as well as taking the stress out of looking. I was also pleasantly surprised that the dresses were not too pricey and were within my budget as I had thought they might have been too expensive.
I will still need to think about shoes (they can come out of next months budget) and whether to wear a hat or a fascinator or a flower in my hair, not sure yet!
After our successful shopping I treated us all to a coffee and blueberry muffins before we had a look around some other shops for hats etc.
We finished our trip with a late leisurely lunch in Jenners restaurant  before heading home again.
I would definitely recommend a personal shopper if someone has a special event coming up or even if you don't like traipsing round department stores and want someone else to do the leg work for you for more ordinary outfits. Take a friend as well so you can get comments from someone who knows you, although Tania did say if something did not suit me or I needed a different size.

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